
About SDGs

What are Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs)?

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the successors to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) formulated in 2001, and are international targets set for the period 2016 to 2030 as part of the "2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development" adopted at the United Nations Summit in September, 2015. The SDGs consist of 17 goals and 169 targets for the realization of a sustainable global society, with the pledge to "leave no one behind". The SDGs are universal, applying not only to developing countries, but also to developed countries, and Japan is also actively working on these goals (Japan's initiatives ).

Avex Sustainability Policy and SDGs

In 2022, Avex announced a sustainability policy, and a subsequent an action plan based on it. In our discussions, we not only set individual SDGs for 2030 (17 goals and 169 targets), but also discussed how to position our contribution to sustainability in a broader sense that would apply to the world beyond 2030, also known as “Beyond SDGs”, in our management strategies. As a result, we identified materiality (important themes and challenges), consisting of three major themes and seven individual items, as an initiative that should be prioritized for the realization of a "sustainable society", while maximizing our communicative ability as an entertainment company. (Details here)

The Sustainability Policy and Action Plan formulated based on materiality aims to contribute to “sustainability” that can apply globally beyond 2030, the deadline for implementing the SDGs. Naturally, the content of these will also contribute to the achievement of the SDGs. As shown below, we will make concrete contributions to the realization of visions such as "Prosperity" and "Peace" as stated in the preamble and declaration of the SDGs, and to the achievement of individual goals and targets.

Contribution to SDGs by each materiality

Create and deliver “Intangible Wealth”

Create and deliver “Intangible Wealth”

Providing vitality to the world through talent and performance

As an entertainment company, Avex places importance on contributing to sustainability by providing every person with “intangible riches” such as joyful experiences and fun, as symbols of humanity’s “prosperity”.
We believe that this will contribute to the perspectives of "Prosperity", defined in the SDGs preamble as "all people should be able to enjoy a rich and fulfilling life", and of "Peace", relief from fear and tension, in that appropriate entertainment should be provided even in times of conflict or disaster.
In addition, the joyful experiences and career education provided to junior and senior high school students by artists and artistes belonging to our company contribute to SDGs Goal 4 (Quality Education), and our efforts to protect and develop culture in form of music and dance, etc., contribute to SDGs political statement 36 and Goal 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities).

Promoting diversity and inclusion

As an entertainment company with communicative ability, we are working to raise people's awareness of diversity and inclusion, and to create an environment in which diverse human talent can play an active role within the company. The SDGs repeatedly talk about the realization of an "inclusive society" in the preamble and declaration, and we are working to make contributions to specific goals, such as Goal 4 (Quality Education), Goal 5 (Gender Equality), Goal 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), Goal 10 (Reduced Inequalities), Goal 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities) and Goal 16 (Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions).

Create and deliver the “Next Generation”

Create and deliver the “Next Generation”

Talent discovery and development

Discovering and nurturing the “next generation” that will create the future is one of our most important themes when we talk about contributing to a sustainable society. In addition to discovering and nurturing artists and artistes who create entertainment, and supporting them to become economically independent, we also provide visiting lectures by artists and artistes to junior and senior high school students to teach them the importance of “the ability to believe in your own talent and dreams”, and offer part-time work to university students and others, in order to prioritize the nurturing of the “next generation” who will create and pass on a sustainable society. In terms of specific SDGs, in addition to Goal 4 (Quality Education), we will be making concrete contributions to Goal 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth) through support for the economic independence of artists and artistes, and to Goal 17 (Partnerships for the Goals), through collaboration with the "next generation".

Diverse partnerships for a “sustainable world”

Activities leveraging our communicative ability as an entertainment company to raise awareness of global trends concerning "sustainability" is one of our most important tasks, and we are promoting initiatives in collaboration with many different entities, such as international organizations, public agencies, local governments and private enterprise, etc. At the regional/community level and the global level, rather than simply raising awareness, we are supporting regional development and development in developing economies through business support projects.
In terms of the specific goals of SDGs, we plan to make concrete contribution through awareness-raising activities in various fields to Goal 4 (Quality Education), Goal 12 (Responsible Production and Consumption), and Goal 13 (Climate Action), through the strengthening of multi-partnerships to Goal 17 (Partnerships for the Goals), and through economic development support to Goal 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth) and Goal 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities).

Innovation for economic, societal and environmental harmony

We believe that the development and promotion of technology-rich next-generation content and smart live performances are important contributions towards the realization of a world in which the three aspects of sustainable development, "economy, society, and the environment", which are repeatedly mentioned in the preamble of the SDGs and declarations, are harmonized. In addition to contributing to Goal 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth) and Goal 9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure) through value-added innovation technology, we will also contribute to Goal 10 (Reduced Inequalities) and Goal 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities) through the creation of a universal environment where everyone can enjoy entertainment through the use of the Metaverse and online games, and to goals such as Goal 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy) and Goal 13 (Climate Action) through activities such as smart live performances that take environmental impact into consideration.

Developing an organizational culture that serves as the bedrock for creating “intangible wealth” and the “next generation”

Developing an organizational culture that serves as the bedrock for creating “intangible wealth” and the “next generation”

Governance to ensure business ethics

In order to make a substantive contribution to a sustainable society centered on the "intangible wealth" and "next generation" mentioned above, it is necessary to have an organizational culture that will promote it. As a company listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime Market, we will continue to contribute to SDGs Goal 16 (Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions) by continuing to maintain and strengthen our transparent management system and compliance system. In addition to our employees, artists, and artistes, we have also established a Sustainability Promotion Office in which university students, who will be the leaders of the next generation, participate, through which we are working to spread the action of promoting sustainability both inside and outside the company, contributing to Goal 17 (Partnerships for the Goals) through multi-partnerships, and to Goal 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production), which includes external reporting of information on sustainability.

Decent work and respect for human rights

We are actively working to enhance job satisfaction, such as by providing flexible work styles and health maintenance for our employees, and the improvement of work balance in accordance with the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children. In addition, as a member of a society that promotes its own sustainability, we emphasize the establishment of a system for respecting the human rights of all stakeholders, such as the elimination of child labor and forced labor and the protection of personal information of consumers and fans, as well as compliance policy training. Through the efforts of these initiatives, we widely contribute to goals and targets such as Goal 3 (Good Health and Well-Being), Goal 5 (Gender Equality), Goal 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), and Goal 10 (Reduced Inequalities), Goal 12 (Responsible Production and Consumption), and Goal 16 (Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions).